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Exploring Our Human Journey on The Sacred Earth

Image by Bundo Kim
Plant wisdom
Plant Wisdom

The plants are calling us to heal ourselves so we can heal others. They are calling us to re envision how we live on this Mother Earth so we can exist in harmony with the tapestry of Nature, of which we are a mere thread. The plants beckon us to become instruments for their medicinal power to reach out and heal the world.

- Excerpt from Evolutionary Herbalism: Science, Medicine, & Spirituality from the Heart of Nature by Sajah Popham

This offering is designed to explore a path toward healing and wholeness with both the individual and the greater whole in heart and mind.

True health is when we are living in harmony with our individual inner nature, in a state of balance with the outer Nature; including our relationship to fauna, fungi, flora, and beyond that to the rhythm of The Earth herself!

As she does her elegant dance around the sun, and alongside other celestial bodies, the magic of day and night and the seasons are created, which are our guiding tools and navigation systems for the possibility of evolution here at this time!

These sessions include an in depth investigation on how to best understand and work with any physical and psychological health challenges, in accordance with the body wisdom and through the guidance of planets, by the means of art and science of medical astrology.

In addition you will receive practical advise and grounded practices which will lead you to a higher degree of harmony with your body and the world in which it coexist in.

There is an innate intelligent in the natural world which has existed longer than we ever have; the plants, animals, minerals and the whole diversity of life are our kins and ancestors and we are fully dependent on them through our daily lives, no matter how separated we have become!

It is an honor to serve as a bridge to reconnect our human family with the wisdom of the wild and 

the plant allies.

    90 min      $100
  5 sessions    $399


☽ Astrology ☾
sacred marriage
Astrology ☾

Birth Chart & Journey of The Soul

 90 min      $177

This system is based on the hermetic principle of "As Above So Below, As Within So Without".

The patterning of the Constellations and Planets are the “as above” representation of our “so below”, This is NOT operating from the perspective of Cause and Effect nor Prediction.

Each session is a  soul to soul connection, where we explore the astrological archetypes and symbols  presented in the birth chart in their pure, eternal essence, without the usual limitation overlaid on them by culture and history. This is not the usual Sun sign astrology reading.

The highest purpose of Astrology is to give the person the understanding of their original intent, thereby assisting them through the power of knowledge in taking command and control of their own life, and giving them a vision of possibilities. 

  This vision can include clarity on life purpose, validation of one’s authentic nature, and acknowledgement of the intent behind the unique challenges one must face.

*Includes Transits and Life timeline.

Relationships & Sacred Marriage

90 min       $222

  Unlike the common current cultural belief and accepted structures regarding relationships, there are more valid paths and expressions for relationships than we have been taught! and knowing your unique path, will assist you to feel more fulfilled on your life's Journey.

Regardless of whether we choose or not to be in a relationship, we can achieve a Sacred Marriage within ourselves, a journey towards wholeness by exploring our true soul intent and embodying those archetypes which our soul yearns to be in relationship with. This process is the culmination of many years of study, practice and research by my Elder and Mentor Daniel Giamario, and has been perfected to work for any archetypal combinations.

The Sacred Marriage is an ancient practice described by so many cultures in different forms, from Alchemy, Sufism, Ancient Indian mythology, to many others who remembered and practiced it as an spiritual practice toward wholeness.

* Includes Journey of The Soul session plus an in depth exploration into relationship with self,and others in your soul family.

* Also includes a free second chart analysis in comparison with yours.

Transits & Life Timeline

 60 min         $133

 Just like the Natural cycles we get to perceive in the rhythm of Nature herself, Our life also has its seasons and cycles, which through our awareness and understanding allows for conscious collaboration with the Great Mystery, to manifest our highest and truest intent for our life.


   When we know what initiation cycles we are in, we can benefit by navigating in alignment with them. You may plant a garden at any season you wish but the results will not be the same, as when you collaborate with the cycles of Nature. One of astrology's greatest contributions is to identify what cycles we are in, the intent of the cycle, and then how to participate in collaboration with it.

 "The Universe is Supportive of human beings who consciously participate with their cycles".

Through tracking the timeline of our Lives, we will learn our sacred timings and seasons of life, which will assist us in making the right decisions at the right time.

*Available after Journey of the Soul, and for follow ups.

 Mentoring :
n Active Participation with Life & the Great Mystery!

90 min  /   $100

This Special one on one mentoring session is designed for those who are seeking to walk the path of      mysteries equipped with knowledge which allows for active collaboration with life and our original purpose.This is an organic development in science of life and mysteries, which is a culmination of more than a decade of dedicated self study within many forms of modalities.

  The language we learn and explore is Astrology, and through it so many more of life's mysteries will be revealed. You will be provided with a list of valuable material to study, depending on your personal level of development and interests, along with resources to assist you in developing your own personal archetypes!

  We will then discuss the material and address questions during our sessions and  provide a map and guidance  on your journey to wherever you decide the destination would be for you!

 These sessions are for Soul Explorers, Healers, Helpers, Counselors, Psychologists, Therapists, and anyone who seeks to be a force of change for themselves, their tribes, as well as the whole web of life!

Earth Medicine
Earth Medicine
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Medicine Preparation Journey :

Prepared in the ways of ancient Alchemy

Purest of organic material sourced directly from the

abundance of her majesty Nature, or from those who are in

close collaboration with her.


Steeped in local small batch organic vodka, and bathed with blessings

and prayers daily. Plant salt, the body, is prepared in the ancient

ways of alchemy upon our alter fire, dissolved in rain water, crystallized, and married back to the spirit and soul of the plant.

after 40 days and night sealed by morning dew under the

stars alignment to capture the full healing intelligence of the

natural world .


May it also assist in purifying and healing our spirit, soul

and the body. Aho!


Please use the form below to Contact me for an Invoice and a complementary email consultation regarding any of the medicine you are interested to purchase and work with.

Small batch & seasonal offerings :

Heart Medicine

Nourishes & facilitates

healing of physical and spiritual heart

Spagyric Formula
1fluid oz (30ml)

Suggested Use:
Take a moment to meditate with your medicine and pray for healing. take 1 full dropper, daily straight, or in water.
*Caution for use with allopathic heart treatments.

*Prepared in the ways of ancient Alchemy, for a full spectrum of biochemical, energetic and spiritual properties.
All Organic Ingredients:
Small batch 40% vodka, Hawthorn berry & flowers, Crystalline salt of Plant, high vibes & love.



Elder Medicine


Supports the Immune system, Assist

with development of internal

”Wisdom Voice”

Spagyric Formula
1fluid oz (30ml)

Suggested Use:
Take a moment to meditate with your medicine and pray for healing. take 1 full dropper, daily straight, or in water.

*Prepared in the ways of ancient Alchemy, for a full spectrum of biochemical, energetic and spiritual properties.
All Organic Ingredients:
Small batch 40% vodka, Elder berry , Crystalline salt of Plant, high vibes & love.



Moon Medicine


Balance & maintain healthy hormone
levels,and moon cycle  for women.

Spagyric Formula
1fluid oz (30ml)

Suggested Use:
Take a moment to meditate with your medicine and pray for healing. take 1 full dropper, daily straight, or in water.

*Prepared in the ways of ancient Alchemy, for a full spectrum of biochemical, energetic and spiritual properties.
All Organic Ingredients:
Small batch 40% vodka, Vitex berry , Crystalline salt of Plant, high vibes & love.


Calm Belly, Calm Mind


Aids with relaxing tension & constriction

in nervous and digestive system.

Spagyric Formula
1fluid oz (30ml)

Suggested Use:
Take a moment to meditate with your medicine and pray for healing. take 1 full dropper, daily straight, or in water.

*Prepared in the ways of ancient Alchemy, for a full spectrum of biochemical, energetic and spiritual properties.
All Organic Ingredients:
Small batch 40% vodka, Lemon Balm, Crystalline salt of Plant, high vibes & love.



Relieve & Nourish

 Aids the body in relieving allergies and inflammation, Nourishing the bones and the connective tissues.

Spagyric Formula
1fluid oz (30ml)

Suggested Use:
Take a moment to meditate with your medicine and pray for healing. take 1 full dropper, daily straight, or in water.

*Prepared in the ways of ancient Alchemy, for a full spectrum of biochemical, energetic and spiritual properties.
All Organic Ingredients:
Small batch 40% vodka, Nettle le
aves Crystalline salt of Plant, high vibes & love.



Please use the form below to Contact me for an Invoice and a complementary email consultation regarding any of the medicine you are interested to purchase and work with.

Soon  To Be Available

Made in collaboration with the raw beauty of Ma Earth.

Weaved with all organic and recycled material harvested from her abundant creativity,in an effort to connect our human soul to hers.


Found Feathers, Precious Stones and Crystals, Sea Shells, Drift Woods, Recycled and Organic Cotton & Hemp, Copper& Brass.


Book a Session of Exploration !

✧Thank You ✧
Cell: 949-610-3114
P.O.Box 178 Garberville , CA 95542
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